Dan Poynter & Arielle Ford Interview

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Thank you for listening to this special recording on self-publishing with my special guest, Dan Poynter.

Dan Poynter is an author, publisher and consultant -- he specializes in self-publishing.

In this interview, Dan and I discuss dozens of tips and ideas on the easiest ways to produce a book, self-publishing secrets anyone can use, low-cost ways to promote and market your book and fulfillment and shipping details every self-published author should know.

Dan and I put together a special offer for our teleseminar listeners. You can get Dan's self-publishing "PowerPacks" and "Everything You Should Know" at incredible discounts for a limited time only.

Power PackGet all of Dan's books, disks, reports and documents in print and electronic form. You will receive everything you need to write, print and promote your book-faster, easier and cheaper. This is a complete, step-by-step, turn-key program. Most files are in both MS-Word and Adobe Acrobat PDF; take your choice. The Acrobat Reader software is also included on the disc.

Please note that the discount is only available from this web page!


Master Kit, Value $1,065.15, Your Price $397
(Dan's normal price is $497.00, an additional 20% discount)

PwrPak-2, ISBN 978-1-56860-083-3

More resources to make your project go faster and easier.

Setting up and Running Your Publishing Business

This is a list of the electronic documents you receive with Dan's package:

How to Set up & Run a Successful Book Publishing Business. Dan Poynter reveals his eleven-point plan for successfully operating your publishing company. Learn the advantages to being a smaller publisher, why you must publish more than one book in the same field, the importance of consistent packaging, should you pursue wholesale over retail sales, the secrets of low-cost book promotion and more. 7 pages, Paper: $9.95; self-service Electronic: $5.95. Document 624.

"Poynter is at his best when discussing such specifics as starting one's own publishing house; dealing with printers; establishing discount, credit and return policies; promoting, advertising and selling a book; and order fulfillment."
Publishers Weekly

Book Fulfillment: Order Entry, Picking, Packing and Shipping explains in detail how to set up and run your office and shipping department. The Report covers order taking (letter openers, credit cards, card terminals, 800 numbers, fax, order services, order forms, and discount structures); order processing (computer hardware and software, shipping labels, short slips, bad cheques, overpayments, invoices, back orders, the Federal Trade Commission rules, complaints, book return policy, statements and collections); inventory and storage (shipping instructions to printer, book receiving, book returns, inventory control, stacking, and shipping room layout) and book packaging (how to wrap, where to get and how to use shipping bags and cartons, machinery such as tape dispensers, scales, postage meters and bag sealers with sources, using UPS, Direct Sacks and various Postal rates, foreign shipping and customs duty). Then the Report covers the alternatives to in-house fulfillment: using wholesalers, distributors, joint representation and fulfillment warehouses with a list of those to contact. Complete with forms and shipping rate charts, an action plan and an Appendix full of resources. ISBN 978-1-56860-037-6, Special Report, 46 pages, $19.95

Your Book Publishing Calendar, When to do What. Book publishing is easy but the book trade is unique. This checklist assures you are doing everything right, doing them in the right order and are doing them on time. This calendar has more detail than the one in The Self-Publishing Manual. References and resources. 4 pages, Paper: $8.95; self-service Electronic: $4.95. Document 620.

Business Letters for Publishers, Creative Correspondence Outlines is a collection of 75 letters drafted especially for publishers. They save time for the older firm and enable the newer publisher to establish company policy that conforms to current, sometimes peculiar, publishing industry standards. Available on computer disk to save you all the keyboarding. Available for the PC-Windows in MS Word, WordPerfect and ASCII-DOS and the Macintosh with MacWrite or Microsoft Word. 3.5 inch disk. Now, you not only do not have to draft the letters, you do not have to type them. ISBN 978-0-915516-47-6, Disk, $29.95

Business Letters for Publishers, Creative Correspondence Outlines is a collection of 75 letters drafted especially for publishers. They save time for the older firm and enable the newer publisher to establish company policy that conforms to current, sometimes peculiar, publishing industry standards. Access the Electronic version from this site. $29.99

Merchant Status. How publishers can get authorized to accept credit cards from their customers. 11 pages. Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95. Document 641.

Poynter's Secret List of Book Promotion Contacts. Names and numbers for ABI, LC, CIP, ISBN and more; list of pre-publication reviewers; list of directories you should be listed in and over 50 places to send your book for review. This is an extremely valuable resource. 11 pages. Paper: $4; self-service Electronic: Free. Document 112.

Book Return Authorization. Example of the form we use. 1 page. Paper: $4; self-service Electronic: Free. Document 134.

Dealer Bulletin. Discounts offered to dealers for quantity purchases of books, reports, and disks on book publishing. 1 page. Free. Document 138.

Note to renters of mailing lists. 1 page. Free. Document 139.

How to Price Your Book. Selecting the right price for your book is almost as important as selecting the right title for it. Dan Poynter provides you with a two step, easy plan to select the price that will maximize sales-and profits. He goes on to explain other price-related considerations such as placement of the price on the back cover, the price extension in the bar code, why you need an order blank on the last page of your book and more. 4 pages, Paper: $9.95; self-service Electronic: $5.95. Document 604.

Raising Money to Publish Books will show you where the money is and how to get it. There are grants, government programs, creative ways to borrow and lots of good financing advice. If you need money to publish your next book, this report will help you get it. 6 pages. Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95. Document 626.

Insurance for Publishers; Protecting Your Book Company. The very latest on incorporation, insurance, indemnity clauses, disclaimers and other ways to limit your exposure to law suits. Cites cases and legal precedent. Resources section lists insurance companies, attorneys, etc. 7 pages, Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95. Document 636.

Beyond Remainders describes creative inventory reduction. When sales of a book drop off, it is time to move out the balance, before they get too old, to make room for new books. There are many easy ways to reduce inventory besides remaindering and they bring in more money. An action plan, sample letters, addresses, and resources are included. 11 pages, Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95. Document 633.

Questions and Answers on Book Publishing covers the basics and a lot of new material in an interview format. There are lots of small pieces of vital and encouranging publishing information, which do not fit in our other Reports. This Repost is fascinating and fun to read. Additionally, all authors should draft a series of questions and answers on their topic specialty to supply to editors for interview articles. This is a very cost-efficient way to get free publicity. 20 pages, Paper: $11.95; self-service Electronic: $7.95. Document 623.

Contracts and Publishing Law

Publishing Contracts, Sample Agreements for Book Publishers on Disk is a collection of the 22 most needed legal documents covering every facet of the book publishing business including: An author-publisher contract for a trade book, a publisher-illustrator agreement, a foreign rights agreement and 19 more. Just slip the disk into your computer, call the appropriate contract to the screen, fill in the names and check the suggested percentages. Then print out these lengthy contracts. You do not have to draft the agreements, you do not even have to type them. Nearly everyone in the industry uses these contracts. Available on computer disk to save you all the keyboarding. These contracts were collected by Dan Poynter, publisher, and Charles Kent, Attorney. Available for the PC-Windows in MS-Word and WordPerfect and ASCII-DOS and the Macintosh with MacWrite or MS-Word. 3.5 inch disk. Specify computer type and word processing program. ISBN 978-0-915516-46-9, disk, $29.95

Publishing Contract: Author-Publisher. This is a primary Trade Publishing Agreement for use between a publisher and an author for trade hardcover and softcover editions. A new paragraph covers electronic rights. If you want the most-used contract and need it now, access the Electronic version from this site. 15 pages, Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95. Document 607.

List of book attorneys who specialize in book publishing. Names and numbers. 1 page. Paper: $4; self-service Electronic: Free. Document 113.

The Business of Book Publishing

The Self-Publishing Manual, How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Book by Dan Poynter is a complete course in writing, publishing, marketing, promoting and distributing books. It takes you step-by-step from idea, through manuscript, printing, promotion and sales. Along with an in-depth study of the book pub-lishing industry, the book explains in detail numerous innovative book-marketing techniques. "Whether you sell out to a publisher or publish yourself, the author must do the promotion. This book is about promotion." The Manual is a Bible and a constant reference for publishers. Writer's Digest Book Club selection. Revised edition. ISBN 1-56860-073-9. Softcover book, 5.5 x 8.5, 432 pages $19.95

Canadian Book Publishing is a north-of-the-border supplement to The Self-Publishing Manual. It contains all the names, numbers and resources for ISBN, copyright, Legal Deposit, CIP, bar coding, distributors, associations, magazines and much more to publish successfully in Canada. 9 pages, Paper: $13.95; self-service Electronic: $9.95 USD. Document 628.

"Dan Poynter has generously guided thousands to authorship. Their books make this a better world."
-Dr. Robert Mueller, Past Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and author of 2000 Ideas & Dreams for a Better World.

Financial Feasibility in Book Publishing Financial Feasibility in Book Publishing by Robert Follett presents a step-by-step method for evaluating the financial future of new book projects. Worksheets, guidelines, projection methods, rules of thumb and estimating methods with explanations help you decide whether your book will make money. All new, second revised edition. Highly recommended. ISBN 978-1-56860-026-0, Special Report, 42 pages $14.95

Books That Were Originally Self-Published. Many bestsellers were published by their authors. A list. 2 pages. Paper: $4; self-service Electronic: Free. Document 155.

Newsletter Publishing; Many book publishers also publish a periodical. Make sure your newsletter provides a lot of helpful, interesting news. Do not make it just a puff piece for your books and other company activities. Articles and news items you publish in your newsletter can be saved for your book. So the newsletter can help you to get maximum value out of your research. This resource guide provides tips and lists the help you will need to write, produce, publish and promote a newsletter. 4 pages, Paper: $9.95; self-service Electronic: $5.95. Document 611.


  • Publishing Contracts on Disk.
  • Business Letters for Publishers on Disk.
  • Mr. Self-Publishing's Notebook. All the tips and resources from the Publishing Poynters newsletter archive.
  • 30 minutes of telephone consulting on your project with Dan Poynter.
  • $200 worth of book-promotion mailing lists on labels when you are ready to send out review copies of your book (so the lists are fresh).
  • Fax & email address for the major Television news programs.

Get Dan Poynter's PowerPack for just $397
(over 20% off!)

Get PowerPack #2 AND Everything You Should Know for just $795
(a savings of over $199.00)


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