Attention Authors, Speakers, Experts, Salespeople, Businesspeople...
(and aspiring authors)

"Now You Can Get My
For $200 OFF!"

I am offering my 23-CD DELUXE Edition Everything You Should Know About Publicity, Publishing and Building a Platform (pictured below) for a full $200 off to Brian Tracy subscribers"

And if the savings isn't enough cause to celebrate, I'm also throwing in ... over $2,647.00 worth of 21 BONUS GIFTS.

The reason I'm offering this sale is
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"With Over 15 million Books Sold and 15 BestSelling Authors In Her Stable, They Say She's America's Number 1 Book Publicist…
So Who Else Wants To Steal Her Secrets?"

"Arielle Ford is the best publicist in the world. Learn the secrets from her."
- Deepak Chopra

"If you want to become master of your publicity fate, listen to Arielle Ford. She has taken our CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series repeatedly to # 1."
- Mark Victor Hansen
"Let America's No. 1 Book Publicist Show You How To BECOME A BESTSELLING AUTHOR"
If you're a struggling (or yet to be published) author, then pay attention. Because I'm about to give you all the know-how you finally need to succeed, including:

  • The foolproof ways to get published… I'll show you exactly what publishers want, and how you can deliver it.
  • The insider secrets to promoting your book… these are the same strategies I've used to help sell more than 15 million books.
  • How to launch yourself in the media… this is how I get authors on shows like "Oprah", "Good Morning America" and "Larry King Live".
  • The truth behind building a platform… I'll show you how famous authors really make their money - and it's not from book royalties.
  • A war chest of tools… including letters, press material and contacts that have taken me 15 years to build.
And much, much more…

From: Arielle Ford, La Jolla, California

Dear future author,

If you're like most other writers, you probably came into the book business thinking all your dreams would come true. You probably thought you'd take the world by storm, become a NY Times bestselling author, have Oprah knocking on your door and that you'd be rich and famous.

Then you slaved away on a manuscript, and got �information paralysis� from all those expensive workshops and seminars you attended, and those �how-to� books you read.

And if you managed somehow to get published, you came crashing down to earth when you had to deal with a publisher who lost interest, had to wrestle with pushy distributors and saw returns come flooding back in.

Even worse, you felt humiliated because you've told your family and friends how successful you were going to be. And you can't stand being asked, "So how's the book going?" Because frankly, it's not going well.

Let's face it, this is a painful situation to be in. I know. I've been there too.

But here's some good news. I can help you turn it around.

My name is Arielle Ford and as one of America's most successful book publicists, I've sold more than 15 million books and helped launch the careers of hundreds of authors, including 11 who made it to No. 1 on the NY Times Bestseller List.

Now I realize that you may not have heard of me. And while I can't wave a magic wand to make your dreams come true, I can give you all the information and tools you need to make it as an author, a speaker and an expert.
Note - The truth is, there are only a handful of people who actually know, or are willing to share what it really takes to succeed in this business. I'm one of the few exceptions, and if you let me… I'll explain why. But before I go any further, let me tell you a little about myself and why I am uniquely qualified to guide you in this business.

"Why The World's Most Famous Authors Call On Me To Promote Their Books and Careers"

During my 15 years in this business, I've helped hundreds of authors like you promote their books, including 15 who became bestsellers and 11 who made it to No. 1 on the NY Times Bestseller List.

Want proof? Here's a scan of one of those clients at Number 1, 2 and 3 in the NY Times, all at the same time.

… And to prove this wasn't pure luck, here's another scan of two more of my clients taking up positions 1 and 4.

I'm also renowned for my ability to get authors on popular TV and radio shows, as well as in print media. To show you I'm not exaggerating, here are some pictures of my clients on Oprah and the Today Show.

… And here are some more in Newsweek, People Magazine and O (Oprah) Magazine.

Before the book business, I also worked in nearly every aspect of public relations and marketing for a number of high profile clients. This allowed me to work with such celebrities as Martin Sheen, Arnold Schwartzenegger and 1984 Olympic boxing gold medalist Paul Gonzales.

… But that's not all. During the last 15 years, I've helped launch the books and careers of some of the world's biggest and brightest authors, including:

Deepak Chopra
Mark Victor Hansen
Jack Canfield
Wayne Dyer
Marianne Williamson
Don Miguel Ruiz
Dean Ornish
Louise Hay
Gary Zukav
And many, many others…

And in case you're wondering, this is what some of them have to say about me and this product:

   Bonnie Solow, Literary Agent

“This is an extremely valuable resource for first time writers. Arielle Ford has in-depth knowledge of publishing from all significant angles. The CD’s and workbook offer important behind-the-scenes information. I give this package a big thumbs up.”

Bonnie Solow,
Literary agent for Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Sylvia Browne, Gay Hendricks & many others


x x x x x
   Mark Victor Hansen x

Arielle's product will BLOW YOU AWAY! I'm here to tell you, "Everything You Should Know About Publishing, Publicity, Promotion and Making Money in the Publishing Business" is priceless information you simply can't find anywhere else!

She's made a profound difference in the literary community -- she has in my life and the lives of many of my author friends including Jack Canfield and more.

Mark Victor Hansen,

x x



   Jon Gordon

When I first started as a writer and speaker, I had NO CLUE as to what to do.

Arielle brought me from conception to getting a HUGE book deal with Penguin. I have a two book deal, multiple appearances on The Today Show and more.

I believe if you use this course, it will help you achieve the goals you want in the speaking and publishing world. You'll learn everything you need to know to succeed.

Jon Gordon ,


   Neale Donald Walsch


She’s one of the five or six most influential and important people in this business. She has the ear of so many. She’s respected. She’s trusted. And she’s highly effective.

Neale Donald Walsch, Author of the Conversations with God series of book,

"EXPOSED! - The 3 Critical Factors behind Highly Successful Authors"

If you're an author desperate to succeed in this business, you've probably asked yourself - "What's the magic formula behind a successful book?"

Well during my 15 years in this business, I've worked some of America's top marketing minds and authors. I've witnessed their successes first hand from behind the scenes. I've held their hands and guided them and they've done the same for me.

…And this has given me a rare understanding of how the masters in this business repeatedly churn out winner after winner. Now in case you're wondering, I've discovered 3 critical success factors behind highly successful authors. And if you want to get anywhere in this business, you'll do everything in your power to understand and master them.

Here they are…

Success Factor # 1
They Choose The Right Book

There's no such thing as a lucky author.

You see, bestselling authors don't just write a book based on any old idea. They go in with a definitive strategy in mind. This is more than just a knack. It's all a foolproof process used to design a strategy to overwhelm the competition.

Let me explain…

Successful authors understand their capabilities. So they all begin by choosing a subject they're an expert in and are qualified to write about.

But that's not all. Once they determine a subject, they sit down and study the competition meticulously. They work out exactly why the bestselling books in that category are succeeding, and then create a strategy to beat them.

It's simple! And publishers drool at the mouth when they get this information. They can't wait to get it into print.

… Did you notice this is exactly the same way other successful products and services are created? That's because the book business is still a marketing business and you need to treat it that way if you want to succeed.
Later on this web page, you'll get to learn exactly how bestselling authors choose their books. You'll also see how they get a publisher's agreement before the book is even written. And you'll be shocked when I reveal how 90% of my bestselling authors DON'T actually write their manuscripts.

Success Factor # 2
They Create a Massive 'Buzz' in the Media

Studies have proven news is more believable than paid advertising, as well as 5 times more noticed. And with a full page advertisement in the NY Times costing around $50,000 or more, it's really the only way an author can promote a book

It's not easy. But if you can somehow manage to get yourself on a few of the more popular shows or publications, it can really help your career take off.

My former client Wayne Dyer is a perfect example…

When Wayne first started out as an unknown in this industry, sales for his book "Your Erroneous Zones" were slow and he got to the point where he asked himself one day, "Am I wasting my life with this?"

Then he managed to get onto the "Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson and all of a sudden his career launched into the stratosphere. He's appeared all over the media since then and that book has now sold more than 15 million copies worldwide.
Take it from me - this is the one constant ALL bestselling authors use to swell book sales. And this is exactly how I've helped guys like Wayne send their books over the top.
Later, I'll show you all promotional opportunities available in the media for your book. I'll also show you which media to target, along with how to pitch producers and editors. I'll also give you the actual press material I'm using to regularly get my authors on TV, radio and in print.

Success Factor # 3
They Plug Into More Lucrative �Income Streams�

If you have the mistaken belief that becoming an author automatically means becoming rich and famous, then you are dead wrong.

Let's do the math…

A typical paperback book costs $13.00. As a paperback author, most publishers give you a 7.5% royalty rate off of the retail price. Deduct 15% of that for your agent and you are only making a sad 82 cents a book… and that's before tax.

You don't have to be a great mathematician to realize that a book won't make you much money.

So what good is a book?
… I'll let you in on a little secret. The book is your ticket into the lucrative speaking and workshop game, and this is where the REAL money is.
All the super rich authors I have come across made their money this way.

Look at Mark Victor Hansen. His "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series has sold more than 90 million copies in North America alone. Yet he still does 50-75 seminars a year (around one a week). Is this a coincidence?

Think about it. It would take more than 50,000 book sales to make just $50,000 in book royalties (which is a heck of a lot of copies sold for a new author). Yet, you could make the same from just one seminar.

Even with my most successful authors - only 25% of their income comes from book royalties. The other 75% comes from these income streams. And these are the ones making it to the bestseller lists.

This is where your income can really take off. And if you're smart, you'll harness the expertise and credibility that being a book author gives you, and profit from these lucrative opportunities.
By the way… It's criminal how under-exploited this strategy really is. But it is not surprising, given only a handful of publishers and authors really understand how to make it work.
Thankfully I'll show you everything you need to know further down this web page. And these are the exact income streams virtually every one of my bestselling authors are making their fortunes from.

"Here's Everything You Should Know About Publishing, Publicity, Promotion & Building a Platform

*Above is the complete, A-to-Z, step-by-step course on how you can get published, generate publicity, promote your book, build a platform and make a living as an author, expert and speaker.

Sadly, there are only a handful people that actually know, or are willing to share what it really takes to succeed in this business. Even the handful of legitimate "how to" courses miss the target in a number of critical areas.

That's why I've created the "Everything You Should Know" package.

This is a step-by-step guide for authors, based on the knowledge I've gained from 15 long years in this industry.

It not only provides you with all the tools and insider information you need to get a quantum leap on your competition, but for the first time ever, you will also get the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle!

I'm not going to make outrageous claims like "You'll take the world by storm", You'll be a NY Times best selling author", "You'll have Oprah knocking on your door", or "You'll be rich and famous".

Frankly, I hope by now you realize these things are said because people want something from you, and they know it's what you want to hear.
The truth is - the fastest I have ever seen an author go from completely unknown to successful (meaning national TV appearances and a book on the NY Times bestseller list), is a full three years. For many people it took much longer than that.
However, the people on a "mission" enjoyed every minute of the ride. They were out there, sharing their message, focused on a goal but living their dream in every moment.

OK! I hope you're getting the idea of what I'm on about. So let's take a look at what you'll get in your "Everything You Should Know" package:


"Everything You Should Know About
The Publishing Game"

If you're struggling to write a book or get published, then you'll love this information. These are the same strategies my bestselling authors are using to create and publish their books. And it's why publishers fight tooth and nail to sign them.

Here's just a small sample of what you can expect:
  • What publishers are REALLY looking for in a book - give this to them and skyrocket your chances of getting published. (Hint, it's not great writing)
  • How to uncover the hottest book ideas… locate the most profitable markets and dominate your competition.
  • How to write a killer book proposal… create mouth-watering proposals that publishers can't refuse.
  • Where to find the finest ghost writers… create an astonishing book in a fraction of the time. Simply supply your research and they'll do the rest.
  • Everything you need to know about royalties… including when you get them, how, and how much to expect
  • Discover the only two reasons why you should ever self-publish… This alone could save you a fortune, or make you one.

"Everything You Should Know About
Building a Platform"

Even with my most successful authors - only 25% of their income comes from book royalties. The other 75% comes from other profit streams. Learn their secrets to really cash in on your book.

You'll discover:
  • Where the real money is in being an author… Note: it's not your book royalties.
  • How to become a speaker even if you are shyer than a church mouse… The hottest topics to talk about and how to connect with an audience.
  • How to plug into the lucrative speaking circuit… Get in on conferences and seminars. Make more from one speaking session than from an entire month of book royalties.
  • The best ways to swell your database… Including powerful list strategies for speaking engagements and your web site.
  • How to create your all-important image… How to dress and behave on camera to gain trust, convey expertise and establish immediate credibility with your audience.
  • Plus… How to make your web site a potent marketing tool. How to promote speaking engagements. And where to find seminars and conferences.


"Interviews with Cheryl Richardson, Jon Gordon and Mark Victor Hansen"

As a valuable bonus, 3 of America's bestselling authors"spilled the beans" and revealed their secrets to "Launching a successful career as a speaker, expert & author".

Cheryl Richardson - Author of 3 NY Times Bestsellers
Cheryl is the author of the New York Times bestselling books Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers (Broadway Books) and Stand Up for Your Life (Free Press) and the new book The Unmistakable Touch of Grace (Free Press, 2005).

As a professional speaker, Cheryl has designed and presented programs to universities, Fortune 500 companies, educational conferences, and professional associations. Her work has been covered widely in the media including the "Today" show, "Good Morning America," "CBS This Morning,"New York Times, USA Today, Good Housekeeping and O Magazine. Cheryl was the team leader for the Lifestyle Makeover Series on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and accompanied Ms. Winfrey on the "Live Your Best Life" nationwide tour.

Jon Gordon - America 's #1 Energy Coach

Jon is the author of Energy Addict: 101 Physical, Mental and Spiritual Ways to Energize Your Life. His mission is to help you fuel your life, energize your career and get addicted to positive energy.

Jon and his energy tips have been featured nationally on NBC's "Today" show, in publications such as WebMD, Men's Health, Self, Low Carb Energy, Energy Times, Woman's Day, Oxygen and Redbook.

Mark Victor Hansen - The Genius Behind Chicken Soup for The Soul

You may know Mark better as that Chicken Soup for the Soul guy. It's true. He is also the author of many popular books such as The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win and others. His new book The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth is destined to inspire the creation of one million new millionaires this decade.

Mark presents 50-75 seminars each year, serves as chairman of Mark Victor Hansen & Associates, Inc., co-founder and chief visionary officer of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc. and president of One Minute Millionaire, LLC.

"Everything You Should Know About Publicity & Promotion"

If you've ever wondered how other authors like you make it on shows like Good Morning America and Larry King Live, then this is for you. These are all my closely guarded strategies behind launching an author in the media.

I'll show you:
  • My secrets to getting on TV, radio and in print… This is how I'm personally doing it right now and includes my closely guarded "name game" technique.
  • How to develop press kits… Make yourself newsworthy and an incredibly desirable guest.
  • How to choose the right media to target… Avoid brick walls, and dramatically increase your chances of getting featured.
  • How to 'pitch' editors and producers… This is how I use e-mail as a powerful tool and how to master the art of 'smiling and dialing.'
  • My top 10 do's and don'ts for launching PR campaigns.
  • Press material you must put on your website.
  • And much, much more.

"Everything You Should Know About Publicity & Promotion"
FREE Bonus - The Oprah Factor

Appearing on Oprah is one of the most effective ways to skyrocket book sales and launch your career. I've helped 8 of my authors make it to the show and their careers immediately shot through the roof.

The truth is, the process is long and difficult and there are no guarantees! But when you invest in this package, I'll give you all my secrets to getting on the Oprah show.
By the way - there are perhaps only a handful of people in the world with this information, and I'm probably the only one willing to share it with you.
  • The behind-the-scenes inner workings of producers… Learn all about the production team and how they plan their shows.
  • Different ways authors have got on to the show… Including the real-life stories behind Gary Zukav, Debbie Ford, Dr Jill Murray and Deepak Chopra.
  • How to 'pitch' yourself to the producers… Including how to find the hot subjects they're looking for and which producers to pitch.
  • What to do if the producers call you… This is where most authors blow it, but I'll tell you exactly what to say and do.
  • What the producers are really looking for… crucial tips on your look and all important media training.
  • Powerful interview tips… Connect with your interviewer and promote your book the right way during interviews.
  • Everything you need to know about book signings… Including how to make bookstore employees your personal salesmen once you leave.
  • Plus… How to get endorsements from famous authors and personalities, and more.

"Learn How to Promote Your Book by Promoting Yourself and your Talents"

In this recording, you'll learn...

  • The power of the internet as a marketing device and to sell books
  • Special advice for independent or POD (Print On Demand) authors
  • How to use teleseminars to sell books
  • How public speaking adds to your branding and credibly
  • Mistakes that authors can make when promoting themselves

Arielle Ford,
"Frequently Asked Questions from New Authors, Owners and Subscribers" Including...

  • Can self-published books be a big success?
  • What is a platform?
  • How to use Amazon to promote your book
  • The importance and value of having a media trainer
  • Does age make a difference as an author?
  • How can you use email to promote your book?
  • Tips and Hints: Self-Publishing tips and guidelines
  • How frequently should you send a newsletter?

And many more!

Arielle Ford,
"How Do I Get a Book Agent?"

Arielle answers the most frequently asked questions about how to get a book agent based upon survey questions taken from thousands of unpublished authors.

Debbie Ford & Arielle Ford,
A Rare Interview With the Amazing Ford Sisters

Debbie Ford is a New York Times #1 best-selling author, creator of The Shadow Process, and founder of the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching, has committed her life to supporting others in leading fully integrated lives. For ten years Debbie has been lecturing and leading workshops around the country, bringing to life the processes and distinctions from her life-changing books.

Debbie has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The Roseanne Show, The WNBC Morning Show, Fox News Channel, and has been featured in O Magazine, Self Magazine, USA Today, Woman to Woman Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times.

Together, Debbie and Arielle talk about the publishing world and what it takes to succeed.

Media Training Secrets with
Joel Roberts

If you want to be successful and sell books, you MUST know how to speak to the media.

You can have the best book in the world and be on a strong mission to deliver your wisdom, but if you can�t deliver your message powerfully and succinctly in media interviews, you won�t succeed. ALL of my bestselling authors were media trained and, nearly all of them were trained by master media trainer Joel Roberts.

Joel knows exactly what the media is looking for and can teach you how to deliver a message that will both wow the media and sell books. Joel is a former top-rated radio talk show host and the preeminent media trainer for authors.

He�ll teach you what to say and how to say and you�ll have a great time in the process. When I was preparing for my first book tour with Hot Chocolate for The Mystical Soul, I turned to Joel for media training. As did my sister (Debbie Ford), Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, Kenny Loggins and dozens of my other clients.

In 55 minutes, you'll get exposed to dozens of Joel's media training secrets including these and more:

  • What are the qualities of a great guest?
  • What is "mythbusting" and why is it so useful?
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes authors make?
  • What is a pre-interview and why is it so important?
  • Why is media training so important to an author?
  • Is it ok to ask an interviewer questions?
  • What is "verbal Aikido"?
  • How do you position yourself as a guest?
  • What is the difference between a hook and a message?
  • How do you prepare media hooks that will get you on radio, television or print?
  • How do you use current events to become an expert and get publicity quickly?
  • How to position yourself so you get the attention your deserve
  • How to use demographics to get publicity
  • Do you need to dress up for a phone interview?
  • How do you get media training?

Susan Harrow
How to Get a Six-Figure Book Advance

Susan Harrow is a master coach and author of the ebook, GET A SIX-FIGURE BOOK ADVANCE WITHOUT SELLING YOUR SOUL. "I think it�s a brilliant resource that tells you everything you need to know about getting the attention of top agents and publishers."

If you know you've got a great idea for a book, and don�t want to sell it for peanuts, learn what it takes to get a six-figure advance from her. It's priceless information you can't find anywhere else.

Dan Poynter
Self-Publishing for First-Time Authors

Dan Poynter is an author, publisher and consultant -- he specializes in self-publishing and provides complete self-publishing "Powerpacks."

In this interview, Dan and I discuss dozens of tips and ideas on the easiest ways to produce a book, self-publishing secrets anyone can use, low-cost ways to promote and market your book and fulfillment and shipping details every self-published author should know.

Dan Janal
How to write "How to Articles," That Editors Love to Print

Learn the insider secrets to writing and placing your articles so you can generate publicity, bring awareness to your book, generate web traffic and make more sales from PR guru Dan Janal. In this course, Dan tells you what you need to know to get your articles written, submitted and read.

Dan has helped more than 2,000 authors and experts get publicity in more than 20,000 publications ranging from The New York Times to Marie Claire, from Parent's to Shape, on topics ranging from wellness, relationships, business and personal finance with his PR LEADS publicity service.

Dr. Joe Vitale
How to Get Your Book to #1 on

One of the best ways to get your book noticed and sold is to get it ranked on The more visibility it has, the more it gets noticed and sold.

But how do you start the ball rolling in the first place? That's what Joe is about to tell you.

Joe managed to get his latest book, "Life's Missing Instruction Manual : The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth" to #1 on and stayed there for four straight days last week!

This wasn't just dumb luck � Joe has done this at least three other times before. He shares the details with you exactly how he did it in this recording.

Joe has an amazing marketing mind that I respect and admire. After listening to him for a single hour, his know-how and ideas will rub off on you, whether you're an author, entrepreneur, businessperson or employee.

If you don't know who Dr. Joe Vitale is, here's some background information:

Joe Vitale is the author of the international #1 best-seller, The Attractor Factor, the #1 best-seller Life's Missing Instruction Manual, the #1 best-selling e-book Hypnotic Writing, and the #1 best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, software tools, audio programs, videos and numerous other works.

The recording lasts approximately 55 minutes.

Stephanie Tade:
Talk to a Top literary agent for 18 years in both fiction & non-fiction and four years as the Executive editor of Rodale Books.

On this special CD, You'll Learn...

  • How do you find an agent?
  • How long is a typical agent's contract?
  • How much can I expect it to take after I submit my proposal to get a book deal?
  • What format should a proposal be in?
  • What do agents look for in a proposal (and what them look at first!)
  • Learn what a "slush pile" is and how you you can take advantage of it
  • What the market is like in the children's adult book segment?
  • How much does an agent make?
  • How does an agent gets paid?
  • What can you do to increase your odds of landing an agent?
  • What are the top three secrets a world-class agent says you need to be successful?
  • And many more questions submitted by our subscribers

Other questions Arielle asks Stephanie include:

  • What agents are NOW looking for
  • Miracle stories of first time authors who made it without a platform
  • The do�s and don�t of approaching agent�s
  • What types of books and authors she is currently looking for

Some of Stephanie�s authors have included:

  • Morgan Freeman, author of "Morgan Freeman & Friends"
  • Joey Green, author of "Joey Green�s Kooky Cookbook"
  • Jean Achterberg author of "Imagery & Healing"
  • Carol Pearson author of "The Hero Within"
  • Robert Cooper author of "Executive EQ" and "Low Fat Living"
  • National Audubon Society - children�s books and a series of TV companion books
  • Tammi Hoag � "Night Sins" and many other novels

The recording lasts approximately 58 minutes.

Munro Magruder,
Associate Publisher of the New World Library

Publisher of:

  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  • The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
  • Creative Visualization by Shakti Gwain

In this recorded course, Munro and I discuss...

  • What are publishers are REALLY looking for today?
  • The marketing campaigns that are working this year (with details)
  • What used to work in marketing but doesn't anymore
  • Book signings�are they worth doing if you're a first time author?
  • The skills every author needs to be successful
  • Which skills can be hired out?
  • What skills must you develop as an author?

The recording lasts approximately 55 minutes.

Jack Canfield,
Success Expert and Co-Author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series of Books

In this recording, you'll learn...

  • The value power of mastermind groups to help meet your goals as an author
  • Tips on how you Jack got speaking gigs in the early days
  • Little-known ways to staying motivated while building a career as an author/expert
  • What Jack LOVES about his career
  • Jack's least favorite parts of being an author
  • The most important things Jack can share with a first time author

The recording lasts approximately 50 minutes.

Michael Port,
Author of "Book Yourself Solid"

In this recording, you'll learn...

How to Book Yourself Solid and Build Your Platform -- Create a strategy to get more clients than you can handle even if you hate marketing and selling.

Susan Driscoll,
President and CEO of iUniverse

In this recording, you'll learn...

  • How to become a self-published author
  • Tools and services to self-publish
  • The single biggest question first-time authors ask about self-publishing and what it takes to self-publish a book
  • And lots of tips and hints for authors who aren't sure how to get started!

Stefan Doering,
"How to Get Unstuck"

Stefan is a master in generating Unreasonable Success.

In this recording, you'll learn...

  • How to create your vision for your book
  • Define your Unreasonable Goal
  • Create your 90-Day game
  • Learn about the power of having a support team (a mastermind group)

Marcia Wieder,
America's #1 Dream Coach

In this special course, You'll learn how to...

  • Get real clarity on your dreams & visions
  • Overcome obstacles, such as fear & doubt, in reaching your dream
  • Get practical solutions to take action on your dreams
  • Break through your limiting beliefs about time & money

By the end of the recording, you will be �in action� on a dream that you are passionate about (even if you don�t know exactly what your dream is).

AUDIO CD 22 & 23:
Author Ben Willmore,
"All About Technical Publishing"

Ben is the author of the award-winning, best-selling book, Adobe Photoshop Studio Techniques is said to be �Arguably, one of the best Photoshop books ever written.� by Photoshop User�s publisher, Jim Workman. He is co-author of another best-seller, How to Wow: Photoshop for Photographers, as well as another bestseller, Up to Speed: Photoshop CS2.

Ben has personally taught over 50,000 Photoshop users on three continents.

In these interviews, Ben answers dozens of questions about how he's built a successful publishing empire in the technical field.

He discusses how he got started and how he's continued to "remain top in his field" of technical publishing.

492 Page Manual

You'll also get a 492 page manual contained within a 3 ring binder. Inside you'll find:
  • Transcripts of every CD recording and interview
  • Book proposal tips
  • "One Sheet" tips, hints and samples
  • Dos and Don't for pitching talk shows
  • Publicity and Marketing Resource Guides
  • Plus the following…

A War Chest Of Sample Press Material

  • Sample Pitch Letters
  • Sample Press Releases
  • Sample Media Voicemail Scripts
  • Sample Author Bios
  • Sample Questions & Answers
  • Sample Interview Questions to provide to the media

My Golden Rolodex of Industry Contacts

  • Contacts for the Oprah Show
  • Freelance Editors and Writers
  • Literary Agents
  • Publishing & Book Industry Resource Guides
  • Publishing Consultants
  • Adult Education Contacts
  • Book Publicists
  • Author Escorts

"So What's All This Worth?"

What's it all worth you say? Well, let me remind you…

… You're getting a 15 year brain dump of everything I know, all on 23 CDs and 492 pages - along with a war chest of sample press material you can copy, and a golden rolodex of contacts you can plug into.

This is the same system I've personally used to launch the careers of 15 best selling authors, 11 of whom made it to the No. 1 position on the coveted NY Times Bestseller list …

It's all the skills you need to succeed in this industry. And you don't have to waste years of hard work or lose tens of thousands of dollars to discover it.

So when you ask what it's worth, I think you'll agree… The success it could bring you, along with the pain and suffering it could save you, makes this package priceless.

But I'll let you have it for the affordable price of $897, or 3 low monthly payments of $297.

Better still, you'll be getting this complete system for a fraction of the $3,995 fee my clients normally pay for a 4-hour coaching session with me (plus you're getting more). And it will save you tens of thousands of dollars AND years of research.
… So why am I giving away my complete arsenal of secrets when I can make almost $1,000 an hour consulting?
Well, I know what it's like as a struggling author because that's how I first got into this industry. Some 15 years ago, I actual, ly self-published a book and lost tens of thousands of dollars making the same basic mistakes you're probably making now.

I also blew money on countless conferences and "how-to" courses so I know how frustrated and desperate you probably are.

The fact is, those experiences stayed with me…

That's why I'm on a mission! -- I want to help as many authors as I can succeed in this business.

But I have a problem. I only have so much time in a day and the huge demand for my services has forced me to drive up my fees. And this means I'm now out of the price range for most authors.

This is where , my package comes in.

… I, t's basically my "BESTSELLER Coaching Session In A Box." It allows me to share this powerful information with authors like you.

"Everything You Should Know about Book Publishing, Publicity, Promotion and Building a Platform: A Step-By-Step Guide for Authors and Writers" is the equivalent of a graduate level course about the publishing business, how to get published, how to write and sell a book and make a living as an author.

Whether you're an aspiring, first-time or already published author, in 5-8 hours, anyone who investigates this 5 CD, 492 page course will learn more about the secrets of publishing and what it takes to be successful as an author, expert and speaker than virtually any other product.

So when you look at it that way, I think you'll agree you're getting this knowledge for a steal.

I've spent months of time, dozens of hours in the studio and hundreds of hours combing through my archives, editing transcripts, proofing, verifying this information and locating press releases, one-sheets, biographies, scripts and letters… And you can get it all for an absolute bargain.

Reviews From Satisfied Customers

“...The best part of your approaches is that they are
media-agnostic - they work anywhere,
including blogs, television, radio and print”

Hi Arielle,

Tim Ferriss here, author of the #1 New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek. I bought your program about six months ago, just before my book came out. I was a first-time author and knew nothing about book promotion... except that you were the PR whiz behind Deepak Chopra and tons of other publishing wunderkind. Now my book is in its 16th printing (probably 20th by the time you read this) and has already been sold into 18 countries.

The best part of your approaches is that they are media-agnostic - they work anywhere, including blogs, television, radio and print.

I focused online and managed to hit all of the big lists--NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Business Week, and more--with nothing more than e-mail, a cell phone, and your program. Not only that, but I've been able to create a "platform" in 4 months that often takes authors years, if not decades. My blog is in the top 3,000 blogs in the world (there are more than 100 million blogs), I'm being paid more than $20,000 per hour for speaking engagements, and I've appeared in dozens of traditional media, ranging from The Today Show with Matt Lauer and Fox and Friends to The New York Times and even Outside magazine. It's been unbelievable.

If people want to learn how to pitch and position themselves, they should listen to you. Period.

Pura vida and thank for sharing your trade secrets!

Timothy Ferriss, #1 NY Times and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The 4-Hour Workweek ( and owner of "Everything You Should Know"

"...I Was Riveted by Cutting-Edge Techniques
that I'd Never Heard Anywhere Else!"
lindaAs an author, ghostwriter, magazine editor, and proposal doctor, I thought I'd know most of this program's information. I bought it because I love Arielle and call her when I need advice, so I knew from experience that I'd learn several new insights. What I did not know was how many.

In listening to each CD and reviewing the accompanying material, I was riveted by cutting-edge techniques that I'd never heard anywhere else! Not from any of the top agents or editors I work with, or even my best-selling author friends -- all of whom I've interviewed on these topics. I found myself thinking, "My next proposal is going to sell for much more than it would have", making the amount of the investment in this program nil. Arielle has created a shot in the arm for those of us who put in endless hours in this complex industry, and will shortcut anyone's process, from newcomer to seasoned expert.

Linda Sivertsen, West Coast Editor of Balance magazine, and the author of Lives Charmed: Intimate Conversations with Extraordinary People, and co-author of the upcoming The Will to Survive: A Mental and Emotional Guide for Law Enforcement Professionals and the People Who Love Them,, May 4, 2005

"...your information eliminates the hype and fluff of what it takes to really make it in this business"


Since our conversation on September 28th, a number of events have occurred. First of course was receiving your program and reviewing it in its entirety which I must say exceeded my expectations as it cuts right to the essence of what it takes to be a successful author and speaker.

In fact, I've attended a number of writer, book and speaking conferences and your information eliminates the hype and fluff of what it takes to really make it in this business.

It's down home, down to earth and doggone good.

Your comments on being media trained were very evident when the author of Smoke & Thunder appeared on Imus In the Morning show and obviously wasn�t media trained when he didn't express any emotion or passion about his book.

However, when the author of Flags of Our Fathers appeared on Imus the following week, he was so engaging and passionate about his story that Imus kept him on for about 40 minutes. It was a great comparative example on being TV ready.

Imus also commented a couple of days later on his show on what a tough time he had staying focused and keeping awake when the other author was talking about his book.

Secondly, this is what has happened since that conversation. (Our visits may be the wrap up chapter I've been envisioning for my next book which the rough draft has been completed which was originally titled, "From the Seat of My Pants to the Seat of My Soul" and now may re-title; "How I Went From the Seat of My Pants to the Seat of My Soul and Made a Million Dollars.")

Here are my bite size steps that illustrate what I�ve done since receiving your kit:

1. My first article was published in the local newspaper, the Kansas City Star.

2. The first book signing was held at my health club.

3. Another book signing is scheduled at Unity Church of Overland Park.

4. A program is being prepared from my book to present to parents and youth groups of the church adapting it to include various spiritual principles of prosperity.

5. I was invited to present on a teleconference with Philippe Matthews this coming January or February.

6. I've had several successful meetings with a large regional credit union who is considering sponsoring me and my program in workshops to be presented to their members as well as purchasing a number of books. May involve 30 or more presentations at various branch locations and the initial program is scheduled for December 2nd.

Charley Green, Writer, Author, Speaker. Author of: "Lessons Will Rogers Reminded Me About Life & Success", "77 Ways to Tell If the Books Are Being Cooked!"

"...I now know what to do to keep going
when my publicist�s contract expires!"

lindaI've just finished listening to Arielle's CDs - they really do tell me everything I need to know� to promote my current book. Best of all, I now know what to do to keep going when my publicist�s contract expires. I'm sending everyone who asks me for advice about getting started in the book publishing world to Arielle. Her program is fantastic!

Thanks, Arielle.

Jennifer Read Hawthorne, author of The Soul of Success:
A Woman's Guide to Authentic Power, May 10, 2005

"...this morning I gave four talks podcast was downloaded 1,370 times in 24 hours... "


Kai BrunnerThank you for the advice. I am focused on building my platform.
Recently I have been getting invitations to speak. This morning I gave 4 talks back-to-back, 1 hour each. It was great.

I transfered your CDs to my iPod and listen to them during travel time. They help me stay focused and on track with priorities. They are invaluable!! Excellent!

My seminars start February through May. Next week my poster/flyer ad campaign will be posted throughout the county. I also wrote an article that'll be published next week in a local magazine and go out to 45,000 homes.

My Podcast was downloaded 1,370 times in 24 hours.

Kai Brunner, Co-Founder of

"...Arielle holds nothing back, giving away
every one of her hard-won secrets to success"

lindaFour years ago, the best investment I made in my entire career was Arielle Ford's Book Publicity University. At the conference, every speaker had the very latest, cutting edge information, complied in one location.

Back then, I spent $1,300 including food and airfare to go to this treasure and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Now that Arielle released "Everything You Should Know" in a home-study course, you don't have to. The information has been updated and includes five comprehensive audio CDs on how to make the big money with your book. You get the phone numbers of Oprah producers and tons of other information you can't find anywhere else.

Arielle (one of the nation's top book promoters) holds nothing back, giving away every one of her hard-won secrets to success, on how to hit the home runs we all crave. Not once, but consistently; moment by moment.

Arielle, I want to thank you for being partner in my success. The knowledge I obtained in your material was easily transferable to all aspects of my business.

Sally Baker , founder of Great Ideas PR, Scottsdale, AZ

"...I realized that this one bonus item was
probably worth the entire cost of the program"
Mark Waller

I ordered my copy of "Everything You Should Know" and waited expectantly for it to arrive. I received an unexpected surprise before the package even arrived.

You sent me an email calling my attention to bonus material that I could log onto the internet and use right away. It was "Everything You Should Know About Blogging and Podcasting." The program was fascinating and saved me many hours of my own time. Plus, the material was valuable.

In watching and listening to the information, I realized that this one bonus item was probably worth the entire cost of the program! And I hadn�t even received the actual package yet!

I highly endorse the "Everything You Should Know" program. From a value standpoint, it presents more information and presents it more clearly than any resource I have ever encountered. In addition, it takes advantage of a number of new technologies and by using them demonstrated their power for the participants who are using them It is a real one two punch.

So thanks again. I continue to receive my money's worth and more.

Mark Waller, Ph.D. LMFT

"...Much of what I have learned from your teleconferences helped me to prepare for working at William Morris Agency"

lindaI just completed a summer internship working for the William Morris Agency and would like to thank you again for providing your teleconferences. Much of what I have learned from your teleconferences helped me to prepare for working at William Morris Agency because I understood how to market and promote creative talent and how to conduct myself in a professional manner in the midst of well known writers, actors, and entertainers.

After I graduate law school this year, I will be returning to work at William Morris.

Thanks again for offering such a valuable service. If I can ever be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to ask.

Matt Welsh, "Author of The Bottom Line",

But wait, I know this is a big decision, so let me make it easier for you.

"You're Protected By A 100% Money Back Guarantee"

What more could you want? It's a proven system that's sold more than 15 million books and you can try it all for 45 days with absolutely no risk.

This is an incredible deal.

"If You're Truly Serious About
Making It As An Author…
You'll Claim Your Copy Now!"

The fact is - If this program STOPS you from losing thousands of dollars and years of effort, or GETS you featured in just one major magazine, or PUTS you on just one major show, or REALIZES a small potential of your backend profit…

The investment would have been returned many times over. Let alone the return on a best seller.

Let's face it! It's this kind of insider knowledge that is often the difference between a flop and a runaway success. So don't wait, because every day you do brings you a step closer to the end.

I'll go on record by saying…
…you can't find this information anywhere else. The publishers won't tell you. Publicists won't tell you. Producers won't tell you. You won't learn this in $500, $1000 or $5,000 a head conferences. You won't find it in books. And you can't take a graduate course either.

If you're serious about your book, your career and your future as a published author you need to take immediate action now.

Simply click on the purchase link below to place your order. Your package will then be shipped to you immediately so you can start the exciting journey ahead sooner.

This is not a magic pill to success. It's going to require enterprise on your part.

… However, I think you'll agree that by following the road 15 best selling authors before you have gone, you're giving yourself the best possible chance for success.

Now, the rest is up to you.

Wishing you the best for your book.

Arielle Ford
America's # 1 Book Publicist
15 Million Books Sold

PS. Remember, This is the same system I've personally used to launch the careers of 15 bestselling authors, 11 of whom made it to the No. 1 position on the coveted NY Times Bestseller list …

You're getting a 15 year brain dump of everything I know, all on 23 CDs and 492 pages - along with a war chest of sample press material you can copy, and a golden rolodex of contacts you can plug into…

Plus, you'll also get $2,647.00 worth of bonuses FREE.

… And with my no questions asked, 45 day money back guarantee, I'm the one wearing the risk here, not you.

Single Pay Option

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Complete DELUXE Copy For $200 Off!
Deluxe Edition Single Payment
for Only $847 $647

Includes 23 CDs, 492 pages of copy, content and resources and $2,647.00 worth of bonus gifts (Click here for full details).

Three Payment Option

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Complete DELUXE Copy For $200 Off!
Deluxe Edition Three Equal Payments
of Only $847 $227 per Month

Includes 23 CDs, 492 pages of copy, content and resources and $2,647.00 worth of bonus gifts (Click here for full details).

Ordering is easy, secure and fast!

To Place an Order by Phone or Ask Questions, Dial Toll-Free
888-669-7751 or 858-964-5106

©2007 Everything You Should Know, Arielle Ford and, Inc.
PO Box 22745
San Diego, CA 92192
Questions? Call 888-669-7751 Toll-Free, 858-964-5106 | FAX: 888-528-7356

Website and product produced by Michael Koenigs